Oregon Cosmetology and Beauty Schools
Interested in attending an Oregon cosmetology school? BeautySchools.com has compiled the Web’s most extensive list of top cosmetology programs for you to compare before ultimately making your decision. With nearly 4,000 employed cosmetologists in the state, you are sure to quickly become part of the growing Oregon cosmetology industry.
All Beauty Programs in Oregon
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Ready to start your search?
The Oregon Board of Cosmetology, oversees licensure for a number of cosmetology professions including barbering, cosmetology, esthetics, and nail technology. To be eligible to apply for your license, you must complete the following minimum education hours from a licensed career school:
- Barber: 1,100 training hours
- Cosmetologist: 1,450 training hours
- Esthetician: 250 training hours
- Manicurist: 350 straining hours
Oregon is a unique state for cosmetology education because in addition to the study hours, you must complete a minimum of 150 hours in safety/infection control and 100 hours of career development for your initial certification. The certifications must be renewed on a bi-yearly basis, by the last day of the month the certification was issued.
Two cosmetology specialties that are not regulated by the Board of Cosmetology include massage therapy and electrology. If you desire to go into these two fields, you will apply for your license through the Oregon Board of Massage Therapists and the Board of Body Art Practioners, respectively. In order to be eligible, your classroom training should consist of the following hours:
- Massage Therapist: 500 training hours
- Electrologist: 600 training hours
Once you become a licensed massage therapist, you will need to complete a minimum of 25 continued education courses, 12 of which must be “contact” hours.
Find Schools in Oregon by Program
- Barbering Programs in Oregon
- Cosmetology Programs in Oregon
- Cosmetology Instructor Programs in Oregon
- Esthetics Programs in Oregon
- Electrolysis Programs in Oregon
- Fashion Design Programs in Oregon
- Hair Braiding Programs in Oregon
- Hair Styling Programs in Oregon
- Makeup Artist Programs in Oregon
- Massage Therapy Programs in Oregon
- Nail Technician Programs in Oregon
- Permanent Makeup Programs in Oregon
- Salon Management Programs in Oregon