Enrolling in a beauty program in Louisiana is your first step into emerging yourself in the cosmetology industry, and with more than 60 schools for you to select from, there are plenty of unique opportunities for you to purse. 15 of these cosmetology schools offer night classes to help cater to your other work and family responsibilities. Want to get a head start? There are also 9 cosmetology programs that are offered at area high schools, and count towards the state’s cosmetology education requirements!
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Ready to take the world of beauty by storm?
The Louisiana Board of Cosmetology is the licensing board for a number of cosmetology professionals, including cosmetologists, manicurists, estheticians, hair design experts and cosmetology instructors. Your schools cosmetology program should meet the following required hours in order for you to be eligible to apply for licensure.
Cosmetologist: 1,500 training hours
Hair Designer: 500 training hours
Esthetician: 750 training hours
Manicurist: 500 training hours
Cosmetology Instructor: 500 additional training hours
These licenses you will need to renew each year before your birthday.