Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Louisiana Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Hair Braiding Programs in Louisiana

Hair Braiding Programs in Louisiana

One of the most exciting parts of working in the cosmetology field is the diverse variety of career paths that are open to hardworking professionals. There are always new cosmetology specialties being created. One of the fastest growing beauty careers right now is hair braiding.

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Find a Hair Braiding School

If you want to use your creativity to craft beautiful braids, find out more about hair braiding programs in Louisiana by contacting those listed below for program details.

Overview of Hair Braiding Schools and Curriculum in Louisiana

Classroom training and hands-on experience are the two main components of hair braiding education in Louisiana. First, you may learn about hair and skin so you understand how they work and grow. With this background, you can start building up your braiding skills.

Your instructors can cover many different techniques, from cornrowing and braiding to weaving and locking. Your practical experience may include watching your instructor styling hair, critiquing your peers, and performing styles yourself on mannequin heads and clients.

Hair Braider Licensing in Louisiana

Each state has its own hair braiding licensing requirements—this is not a federally-regulated field. Louisiana is one of the states that has a separate licensing procedure for hair braiders. You must first complete an accredited hair braiding program that lasts at least 500 hours. After that, you must pass an exam administered by the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology. You can then begin working as a licensed hair braider as long as you renew your license on an annual basis.

Job and Employment Outlook for Hair Braiders in Louisiana

Louisiana has a healthy and growing beauty industry, which may make this an excellent time to explore your options as a hair braider. Between 2012 and 2022, O*Net expects to see a 14% increase in cosmetology jobs. This is slightly higher than the national growth rate in this field (O*Net, 2012).

In general, beauty salaries in Louisiana are on par with those reported across the United States. Per O*Net, the average salary in this state is $22,200 per year.

Hair braiding is a creative and diverse field, so why not learn more about it? Get started now by contacting hair braiding programs in Louisiana.

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Hair Braiding Schools in Lousiana