Iowa Cosmetology and Beauty Schools
Considering attending a cosmetology school in Iowa will allow you to explore numerous opportunities, as cosmetology programs are offered at private universities, career colleges and cosmetology schools throughout the state. With the ability to pursue any cosmetology specialty, you can find the program and school best suited to fit your educational and career goals.
All Beauty Programs in Iowa
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Celebrate the world of beauty in an Iowa cosmetology school!
Enrolling in a cosmetology specialty program of your choice is the first step needed to get you started in the beauty industry. In Iowa, your licensure depends on the required classroom hours needed for each specialty. The Iowa Department of Public Health oversees the Iowa Board of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences, The Iowa Board of Massage Therapy and the Iowa Board of Barbering, which set the requirements for their respective specialties.
- Cosmetologist: 2,100 training hours
- Esthetic Technician: 650 training hours
- Manicurist: 600 training hours
- Barber or Hairdresser: 1,650 training hours
- Massage Therapy Specialist: 800 hours of training
- Cosmetology Teacher: 550 hours of additional training, plus a year of licensed work experience
- Esthetic Technician Teacher: 550 hours of additional training, plus a year of licensed work experience
- Nail Technician Teacher: 550 Hours of additional training, plus a year of licensed work experience
- Electrolysis: 500 Hours and an additional certification from the Iowa Board of Radiology
Find Cosmetology Schools in Iowa by Program
- Barbering Programs in Iowa
- Cosmetology Programs in Iowa
- Cosmetology Instructor Programs in Iowa
- Esthetics Programs in Iowa
- Electrolysis Programs in Iowa
- Fashion Design Programs in Iowa
- Hair Braiding Programs in Iowa
- Hair Styling Programs in Iowa
- Makeup Artist Programs in Iowa
- Massage Therapy Programs in Iowa
- Nail Technician Programs in Iowa
- Permanent Makeup Programs in Iowa
- Salon Management Programs in Iowa