Illinois Barber License and Training Requirements
Required Barbering Courses in Illinois Barbering Schools
Want to jump into the cosmetology industry with one of the fastest growing specialties in this field? Time to find a barber school that fits your schedule and personal style! As a barber Illinois student, you can get lots of hands-on experience while earning the 1500 hours of training needs for licensure.
Licensing requirements are set by the State of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, an agency responsible for determining what it takes to become a licensed barber. Your curriculum must contain the following topics to prepare you for the process of applying for a license.
Illinois Barber Classes
- Barber history
- Bacteriology and infection control
- Implements, equipment, and tools
- Anatomy and physiology
- Light therapy
- Properties and disorders of the skin, hair, and scalp
- Treatment of the hair and scalp
- Facial and scalp massage
- Shaving and facial hair design
- Haircutting and styling
- Chemical texture services
- Hair coloring and lightening
- Barbershop management
If you want to earn an Illinois barber license and start an exciting career in the beauty industry, take the first step now!
Reach out to Illinois barber schools and request more information on your training options.
Illinois Barber Training and License Requirements
Before you can start working and putting your skills to work, you have to meet the barber licensing requirements in Illinois. You meet the first part of these standards by taking the required barbering courses. From there, you must pay a set of fees and pass both a written test and a skills test to get your barbering license in IL.
Illinois Barbering License Specifics
- Testing costs: $156
- Accepted payment methods: Fees payable by MasterCard or Visa
- License/application fees: $30 licensure fee
- Apprenticeship options: No apprenticeship options available in Illinois
Why does Illinois have such strict requirements for barbers? Actually, these standards are common across the entire country. The beauty industry has high expectations of its practitioners because these standards protect the industry from untrained stylists. This makes it easier for clients to try out new stylists and trust their skills. As a new barber, your license may also give you an easy way to demonstrate your training and education to potential employers.
Requirements for Renewing Your Barber License in Illinois
You have your IL barber license and you’re ready to start working. Start working at one of the many barber shops in Illinois and start building your client base. However, don’t forget to keep your barber license renewed. While you don’t need to attend barber college for any continuing education credits or training seminars, you do have to go through the renewal process every two years in Illinois.
Barber license renewal applications are due by July 31 in every odd-numbered year. You must pay a $50 license renewal fee each time. While continuing education is not mandatory for license renewal, it is an excellent way to keep your skills up-to-date and relevant. Attending training seminars may also give you access to new tools, techniques, and styles, giving you more ways to serve your clients and meet their expectations.
Take advantage of the growth in the beauty industry and start working toward a career you love.
Contact Illinois barbering schools today to learn more!
Find Barbering Programs in Illinois
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.