Home Cosmetology Schools in Illinois

Dudley Beauty College - Chicago

Dudley Beauty College - Chicago

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8501 South Green Street 11, Chicago, IL 60620

Unverified School

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Programs Offered


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Hair Braiding

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Nail Technology

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Teacher Training

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Dudley Beauty College enjoys a 5-star rating on its Facebook reviews. Clients rave about the excellent service, cleanliness, hard-working staff, and professionalism. Andrea Fletcher recommends Dudley Beauty College as a "great school for someone interested in cosmetology."

The Chicago branch offers certifications in fields like cosmetology, esthetics, and nail technology. It's great for taking continuing education courses to stay up on industry trends. The trade school also offers training if you want to become an instructor someday.

Dudley's instruction focuses on teaching you entrepreneurial skills and assists with career placement after graduation. Students also get free parking and access to free wi-fi to complete coursework.

About This School


Please contact this school to learn more about how to apply.


This school is accredited by the State Board of Cosmetology.

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