Home Cosmetology Schools in Illinois

Capelli Salon Academy

Capelli Salon Academy

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329 East Rand Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60004

Unverified School

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Programs Offered


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Teacher Training

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Capelli Salon Academy has an average rating of 4.9 stars on Google and 4.8 on Facebook. Facebook reviews suggest the owner, Hans, is the main reason. Hans strives for customer satisfaction with every single cut. Beth Knight says Hans "never disappoints." Another reviewer, Nicole Englese DeBruycker, says Hans is a fantastic hairdresser and "does the best calligraphy cuts." What better instructor could you learn from if you hope to produce luxury hairstyles?

The Capelli Salon Academy teaches you how to become an integral part of the beauty industry. They teach both how to cut hair and run a high-end business. They offer career tracks in barbering, cosmetology, and calligraphy cuts. The educational goals center around all aspects of running a luxury establishment.

About This School


Please contact this school to learn more about how to apply.


This school is accredited by the State Board of Cosmetology.

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