South Carolina Cosmetology and Beauty Schools
Interested in attending a top South Carolina beauty school to complete your cosmetology education? South Carolina is a great state to receive more one-on-one training, as the state doesn’t allow more than 60 students to be taking classes at a time, which is smaller class sizes than many states. Search to help you determine which program is best for you and get started in the beauty industry today.
All Beauty Programs in South Carolina
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Ready to compare South Carolina beauty programs?
In order to be eligible to apply for your cosmetology license, you must meet the education training required by the South Carolina Board of Cosmetology. Be sure your school program meets the following hours needed per cosmetology specialty.
- Cosmetologist: 1500 training hours
- Nail Technician: 300 training hours
- Esthetician: 450 training hours
- Cosmetology Instructor: Current cosmetology license + 2 years of experience + 750 additional hours of training
If you are interested in becoming a licensed massage therapist or barber, you will need to meet the education requirements established by the South Carolina Massage/Bodywork Panel or the South Carolina Board of Barber Examiners.
- Massage Therapist: 500 training hours
- Barber: 1,500 training hours
You may also choose to receive your barber training through an apprenticeship under the supervision of a licensed barber. In order to do so, you would need to complete a year of full-time training, or roughly 1,920 hours.
Find Schools in South Carolina by Program
- Barbering Programs in South Carolina
- Cosmetology Programs in South Carolina
- Cosmetology Instructor Programs in South Carolina
- Esthetics Programs in South Carolina
- Electrolysis Programs in South Carolina
- Fashion Design Programs in South Carolina
- Hair Braiding Programs in South Carolina
- Hair Styling Programs in South Carolina
- Makeup Artist Programs in South Carolina
- Massage Therapy Programs in South Carolina
- Nail Technician Programs in South Carolina
- Permanent Makeup Programs in South Carolina
- Salon Management Programs in South Carolina