Oklahoma Cosmetology and Beauty Schools
Interested in joining the beauty profession? Enrolling in an Oklahoma cosmetology school is your first step! There are 32 public and over 60 private beauty schools for you to choose from, so BeautySchools.com recommends you contact several in order to compare programs to find the one must suited to your educational goals.
All Beauty Programs in Oklahoma
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Start your search for an Oklahoma beauty school!
The Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering requires that in order to sit for your state cosmetology exam you must first complete the following required hours from a state approved program.
- Cosmetologist: 1,500 training hours
- Esthetician: 600 training hours
- Esthetics Instructor: current esthetics license and 1,000 hours of study or 500 hours with two years licensed experience
- Manicurist: 600 training hours
- Hairbraiding Technician: 600 training hours
- Master Instructor: current cosmetology license and 1,000 hours of study or 500 hours with two years licensed experience
- Manicurist Instructor: current manicurist license and 1,000 hours of study or 500 hours with two years licensed experience
You may also choose to become licensed through a cosmetology apprenticeship program for cosmetology, esthetics and nail technicians. In order to do so, you will need to complete double the classroom hours required under supervision from a licensed professional.
Find Cosmetology Schools in Oklahoma by Program
- Barbering Programs in Oklahoma
- Cosmetology Programs in Oklahoma
- Cosmetology Instructor Programs in Oklahoma
- Esthetics Programs in Oklahoma
- Electrolysis Programs in Oklahoma
- Fashion Design Programs in Oklahoma
- Hair Braiding Programs in Oklahoma
- Hair Styling Programs in Oklahoma
- Makeup Artist Programs in Oklahoma
- Massage Therapy Programs in Oklahoma
- Nail Technician Programs in Oklahoma
- Permanent Makeup Programs in Oklahoma
- Salon Management Programs in Oklahoma