Montana Beauty Schools by Program
Enrolling in a Montana cosmetology program is your first step to entering the beauty industry. With 13 schools that offer a variety of programs including esthetics, barbering, nail technician and full cosmetology, you will be sure to find a program that is most appealing to your educational needs! wants to make your beauty journey as easy as possible, and has compiled top programs for you to compare.
All Beauty Programs in Montana
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Ready to find your cosmetology school?
The Montana Department of Labor and Industry governs the Montana Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists, and the board administers 10 licensing options to work in the cosmetology field. Before applying for licensure, you must complete the required minimum amount of training hours from an approved post secondary school. The licensing options include:
- Cosmetologist: 2,000 training hours
- Cosmetology Instructor: 650 hours of additional instructor training + one year experience
- Barber: 1,500 training hours
- Barbering Instructor: 650 hours of additional instructor training + one year experience
- Electrologist: 600 training hours
- Electrology Instructor: 650 hours of additional instructor training + one year experience
- Esthetician: 650 training hours
- Esthetics Instructor: 650 hours of additional instructor training + one year experience
- Manicurist: 350 training hours
- Manicuring Instructor: 650 hours of additional instructor training + one year experience
Find Cosmetology Schools in Montana by Program
- Barbering Programs in Montana
- Cosmetology Programs in Montana
- Cosmetology Instructor Programs in Montana
- Esthetics Programs in Montana
- Electrolysis Programs in Montana
- Fashion Design Programs in Montana
- Hair Braiding Programs in Montana
- Hair Styling Programs in Montana
- Makeup Artist Programs in Montana
- Massage Therapy Programs in Montana
- Nail Technician Programs in Montana
- Permanent Makeup Programs in Montana
- Salon Management Programs in Montana