Home The Cost of Beauty School

The Cost of Beauty School

Attending cosmetology school is a dream for thousands of students. While cosmetology school is expensive, it is much more affordable than other degree programs. To attend an accredited cosmetology school will usually cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000. To attend a top beauty school will usually cost anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000. When students are considering beauty school, they should consider the cost of the entire program, as well as room, board and textbooks.


Some students worry about the way they will pay for tuition at a beauty school. If a student decides to attend an accredited beauty school program, then he or she will be able to take out student loans from the government. Student loans can provide a student with access to a cosmetology program that he or she would not have had otherwise. Cosmetology Pell Grants will cover the entire cost of tuition for a person’s program. Your student loans can also be used to pay for room, board and textbooks.

If you decide to attend a private beauty school that is not accredited, then you will not be able to use federal student loans to cover the cost of your education. You should double check and see whether the institution can refer you to private lenders.

Room & Board

The typical cost of room and board will vary depending on the location of one’s school. In city areas, room and board can easily exceed $20,000 a year. In rural areas, one may only pay $5,000 to $10,000 a year for room and board. Be sure to ask your school about its estimates for room and board costs. Beauty schools are required to provide you with an estimate of the costs of room and board for student loan purposes.


The total cost for textbooks and supplies is usually $2,000 to $3,000. You will need to purchase required textbooks for your courses. You will also need to buy tools such as scissors, shampoo, conditioner, mannequins, and other tools for your courses. As you are planning to attend beauty school, you should provide some extra room in your budget for additional supplies that your teacher may recommend that you purchase. If you are having trouble paying for supplies, then your beauty school may be able to help you. Your beauty school may offer private loans or scholarships to cover the cost of textbooks and supplies.

Beauty School Scholarships

Even though the cost of beauty school can be steep, you may be able to pay for it with beauty school scholarships. Alumni will often create beauty school scholarships at their alma maters. You should check and see whether you can qualify for a talent scholarship to a beauty school. A scholarship can greatly decrease the cost of attendance for you.

Outside Scholarships

Outside scholarships from private entities can also lift a heavy financial burden from your shoulders. You should research all of the possible outside scholarships that can be used to pay off your tuition, room, board and textbook expenses.