Makeup Artist Schools in Wyoming
In order to work as a make-up artist in Wyoming, you want to make sure that you obtain a professional license in a related beauty field. You can do this by obtaining a license as either an esthetician or as a cosmetologist.
There are several schools in Wyoming where you can train for these licenses, including
– The Institute of Business and Medical Careers
– Casper Beauty Schools
– Cheeks International Academy of Beauty Culture
Make-Up Artist Licensing in Wyoming
To obtain your esthetics license, you must train in an accredited school for 600 hours. To obtain your license as a cosmetologist, you must train in an accredited school for 2000 hours. After you complete your training, you have to take your written and practical exams. After you pass your tests, the Wyoming Board of Cosmetology will issue your license.
In Wyoming, you have to renew your license every two years during the month of your birthday and license renewals cost $96. Continuing education is not required to renew. However, you should consider completing some CEU credits every year. This is the best way to stay competitive and keep your customers happy and looking beautiful.
Transfer and reciprocity is considered on a case by case basis in Wyoming. In addition, the board considers experience in the field, and will often accept on the job experience hours in lieu oftTraining.
One year of work experience is sometimes equivalent to 400 hours of training. However, the board will make a specific determination for you after reviewing your transfer credentials. If you do not meet Wyoming’s basic requirements for transfer, the board will simply ask you to train more or complete more testing.
Job and Employment Outlook for Make-Up Artists in Wyoming
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, make-up artists and skin care professionals will earn around $28,900 every year. In Wyoming, three of the best places to work as a make-up artist are Sheridan, Jackson and Gillette. There is so much going on in these cities culturally that there should be many opportunities for you to show off your skills and artistry. Other cities like Cheyenne, Riverton, Green River, Laramie and Casper attract many people for various reasons including job opportunity, higher education, a family friendly lifestyle and tourism. Because of this, you might find work in these locales as well.