Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Wisconsin Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Permanent Makeup Programs in Wisconsin

Permanent Makeup Programs in Wisconsin

Permanent makeup is a specialty in cosmetology, so you need to have the right skills and goals to really make it in this field. Steady hands are one of the most important traits you can bring to this industry, since you may be working on very small or very delicate parts of the body. You should also be able to focus intensely and concentrate on a task until it is completely done.

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Milwaukee, WI
Permanent Make-Up
Milwaukee, WI
Permanent Make-Up
West Allis, WI
Hair Braiding / Make-Up Artist Training / Permanent Make-Up
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

If this sounds like you, contact the schools below to learn more about permanent makeup schools in Wisconsin.

Permanent Makeup Artistry Schools in Wisconsin

When you attend a permanent cosmetics course, you can learn from skilled artists with years of experience working on clients with different needs and requests. You’ll likely spend hundreds of hours gaining experience and studying the theory of makeup tattooing. Informed consent is an extremely essential part of practicing ethically and legally in this career, so you may spend several days covering client consultations and consent paperwork. In addition, instructors may cover the importance of proper hygiene and sanitation.

In your permanent makeup program, you can learn about how this procedure works and the ways in which it affects the skin. This may include learning about the different layers of skin, observing permanent makeup procedures on different types of skin, and exploring the science behind this procedure.

A strong background in different permanent cosmetics procedures is required for any permanent makeup specialist. You may first study a procedure, like cheek coloring, to understand how it is done and what effect it has. Then you can watch your instructor complete the procedure and ask questions. The final part of learning any procedure is performing it yourself on mannequins or clients. The amount of hands-on teaching you get depends on which program you choose to attend.

Working as a Permanent Makeup Artist in Wisconsin

Wisconsin has an exciting job outlook for permanent makeup specialists. From 2012 to 2022, job openings for skin care specialists may increase by 35%, according to O*Net. Their salary estimates show that skin care specialists in Wisconsin earn an average income of $31,500 per year (O*Net, 2013).

Networking with other permanent makeup artists and other beauty professionals may help you get clients, learn about changing cosmetology laws, and take part in continuing education events. Join a local chapter of the Association of Cosmetology Salon Professionals to meet up with cosmetologists in your area.

Are you ready to break out the tattoo needles and explore a new career path? Use our school listings below to reach out to permanent makeup artist programs in Wisconsin.