Esthetics Schools in Wisconsin
Esthetics schools in Wisconsin teach students to care for the health and appearance of clients’ skin. Licensed skincare specialists help their customers to improve skin quality and maintain a youthful, healthy appearance. Clients seek advice from their beauty professionals about which skincare products to use. They may receive specialized treatments such as microdermabrasion or a chemical peel from their esthetician. Wisconsin residents interested in the skincare arts and sciences should consider attending an accredited esthetics school to start this career.
Find Esthetics / Skin Care Programs in Wisconsin
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Earn Your Wisconsin Esthetician License
To enroll in a Wisconsin esthetics school, students must have a high school diploma or GED. Esthetics schools in Wisconsin provide at least 450 training hours over a minimum of 11 weeks to prepare students for licensing. Students can choose to participate in an apprenticeship of at least 450 hours, lasting from 11 to 30 weeks. Apprentices train directly in a spa or salon under the supervision of an aesthetics instructor. After training and classes are completed, students take written and practical tests before the Wisconsin Barbering and Cosmetology Board. These tests are only offered in English, and they are required to receive the Wisconsin Aesthetician License.
During aesthetician training in Wisconsin, students learn:
– the structure of the skin
– salon hygiene
– sanitation
– the laws governing skincare in the state
They study skincare techniques, including facials, body treatments, waxing, hair removal, chemical peels, and makeup application. These studies combined with hands-on practice in skincare clinics provide students with the skills they need to enter the aesthetics profession.
Wisconsin Esthetician Job Outlook
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that skincare specialist jobs in America will grow by 25 percent over the next several years. Aesthetics services are in demand even in non-metropolitan areas such as south-central Wisconsin. Skincare specialists in that part of the state earn an annual average salary of $25,090 before tips. This is the fifth highest paid non-metropolitan area in the nation for aestheticians.
Wisconsin skincare specialists working in Madison earn an annual average salary of $26,760, and those in Milwaukee earn an average of $33,010 per year before tips. Licensed Wisconsin aestheticians often work in salons and spa. Some skincare specialists may work in medical offices with dermatologists or plastic surgeons. Aestheticians in Wisconsin provide a useful and valued beauty service to clients regardless of the location of their practice.