Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State West Virginia Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Massage Therapy Programs in West Virginia

Massage Therapy Programs in West Virginia

If you aspire to practice massage therapy in an economically-stable area, then West Virginia could be an excellent place to choose. There are more residents flocking to West Virginia every year, and this can give you the opportunity to develop a client base. There are also plenty of massage therapy schools with accredited programs in West Virginia. You can apply for a massage therapy program to receive the skills that you need to become a successful massage therapist.

Find Massage Therapy Programs in West Virginia

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Clarksburg, WV
Cosmetology / Massage Therapy / Nail Technology
Morgantown, WV
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Hair Design / Massage Therapy / Nail Technology
Charleston, WV
Continuing Education / Massage Therapy
Huntington, WV
Massage Therapy
Lewisburg, WV
Barbering / Cosmetology / Massage Therapy
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

Take some time to browse the courses and activities offered at the following massage therapy schools in West Virginia:

– Morgantown Beauty College
– Mountain State School of Massage
– Everest Institute
– Clarksburg Beauty Academy & School of Massage
– Triad Tech

You can take the time to become familiar with the programs offered at these schools by taking a tour of the campus. Taking a tour on campus can be helpful for learning about the curriculum at a massage therapy school. This curriculum will usually feature courses in applied sciences and medical ethics courses. There will also be courses on specific massage techniques that you can take. You may even wish to set up meetings with certain administrators during your time on a tour, such as the admissions counselor or a financial aid counselor. These individuals can help you to understand the application process and qualify for scholarships to attend a massage therapy school. Even if you have a tight financial situation, you should not let this deter you from pursuing an education in massage therapy at a school in West Virginia.

Massage Therapy Licensing Requirements in West Virginia

The West Virginia Massage Therapy Licensure Board requires that students obtain at least 500 hours of coursework and instruction at an approved institution. Students will also need to pass the national NCBTMB exam in order to receive a license. Every two years, massage therapists will then need to renew their licenses in West Virginia. The fee for a license renewal is $200 every two years. The initial fee to renew a license is $300.

Employment Outlook for Massage Therapists in West Virginia

The average salary for massage therapists in West Virginia is $30,980 a year. There are a total of 290 massage therapists who practice in West Virginia. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that there will be a 15 percent increase in the demand for massage therapists in the future.