West Virginia Cosmetology and Beauty Schools
Enrolling in a West Virginia beauty school is your first step into pursuing your dream of being part of the cosmetology industry. There are over 9,500 currently licensed professionals in the state, making it a great choice to become part of this expanding field. BeautySchools.com wants to help you gather all of the information you need to know to feel confident in your Washington beauty program.
All Beauty Programs in West Virginia
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
The West Virginia State Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists offers five cosmetology licenses. If you want to become a licensed cosmetology professional in the state of West Virginia, you must complete training hours at an institution of higher learning that is approve by the board. The minimum amount of training hours for each program includes:
- Cosmetologist: 1,800 training hours
- Barber: 1,200 training hours
- Hair Stylist: 1,000 training hours
- Aesthetician: 600 training hours
- Nail Technician: 400 training hours
In addition to completing the required amount of training hours, you must pass a Tuberculosis test and receive a passing score on the examination. You must renew your cosmetology license every year, typically in January. Cosmetologists must have at least four hours of cosmetology continuing education during the period of licensure.
Find Schools in West Virginia by Program
- Barbering Programs in West Virginia
- Cosmetology Programs in West Virginia
- Cosmetology Instructor Programs in West Virginia
- Esthetics Programs in West Virginia
- Electrolysis Programs in West Virginia
- Fashion Design Programs in West Virginia
- Hair Braiding Programs in West Virginia
- Hair Styling Programs in West Virginia
- Makeup Artist Programs in West Virginia
- Massage Therapy Programs in West Virginia
- Nail Technician Programs in West Virginia
- Permanent Makeup Programs in West Virginia
- Salon Management Programs in West Virginia