Nail Technician Schools and Programs in Utah
Pursuing your dream of becoming a nail technician can be easy when you attend nail tech school in Utah. There are plenty of knowledgeable and inspiring instructors waiting to help you in your journey to become a nail technician. Utah can be an excellent place to pursue your nail technician license, because the state has a high demand for licensed nail techs. The rural atmosphere can also give nail techs the chance to get to know their clients on a more friendly basis. Nail techs truly become part of the community when they practice their art in Utah.
Find Nail Technology Programs in Utah
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Overview of Nail Technician Schools in Utah
If you are thinking about becoming a nail technician, then check out the following schools that Utah has to offer:
– Marinello Schools of Beauty
– Mandalyn Academy
– Avalon School of Cosmetology
– Sherman Kendall’s Academy
– Taylor Andrews Academy of Hair Design
– American Beauty Academy
Browsing this list of nail technician schools in Utah will help you to make the right choice. You will be able to learn about the specific course offerings that are available at each school. You may even wish to take a tour of a campus so that you can meet with instructors and students. You may even be able to apply for a scholarship from a nail tech school in Utah. This can provide you with the opportunity to focus on your studies and not have to be concerned with finances during the pursuit of your program. The typical curriculum at nail technician schools in Utah will feature courses in application of manicures and pedicures, Utah safety regulations and nail art design.
Nail Technician Licensing Requirements in Utah
To become a nail technician in Utah, you will need to obtain at least 300 hours of instruction at an approved nail tech school in the state. You will then need to pass a written examination in the state. After, you will need to renew a license every two years in Utah.
Employment Outlook for Nail Technicians in Utah
The average salary of manicurists in Utah is about $22,030 a year. There are currently 400 manicurists employed in Utah. The BLS also reports that there will be a 30 percent increase in the demand for licensed manicurists in the next 10 years. Manicurists can find plenty of employment opportunities in Utah.