Barbering Schools in Tennessee
Tennessee can be an excellent place to pursue a barber license for the plenty of opportunities that it has to offer. Everything from a thriving music scene to great downtown areas can be found in Tennessee, making it a wonderful state for the pursuit of a barber license. You will enjoy being able to study at a barber school and immerse yourself in the culture of Tennessee at the same time. You can research all of the barber schools that are currently offered in Tennessee to find one that is right for you.
Find Barbering Programs in Tennessee
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Here is a list of the barber schools that Tennessee currently has to offer aspiring students:
– Genesis Career College
– International Barber & Style College
– The Paul Mitchell School
– Empire Beauty School
– Regency Beauty Institute
Overview of Barbering Schools and Curriculum in Tennessee
These barber schools are all brimming with opportunities for students who truly desire to learn the latest hair styling and shaving techniques. Students will also be able to check out all of the courses that are offered at barber schools. Whether a student wants to learn the latest hair removal techniques or wants to ultimately manage his or her own barber shop, barber schools have plenty of opportunities for students. You can also learn additional information about barber schools in Tennessee, such as the number of alumni who currently graduate from the barber school every year. You can also learn about the exam passage rates for barber schools in Tennessee. You will feel more confident in the barber school that you choose for its ability to prepare you for the barber license exams upon your graduation.
Licensing Requirements in Tennessee
To become a barber in Tennessee, you will need to pursue an education at a licensed barber school in the state. You will also need to be sure to obtain the minimum amount of hours for a Master Barber or Barber Technician license. A Master Barber license requires a minimum of 1,500 hours of instruction and study. A Barber Technician license requires only at least 340 hours of instruction and study.
Job and Employment Outlook for Barbers in Tennessee
The average salary for barbers in Tennessee is $25,780 a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Barbers can expect to earn anywhere from $17,000 to $45,000 during their career. The Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates that the barber profession will experience a nine percent increase in the demand for barbers every year.