Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State South Dakota Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Cosmetology Instructor Training in South Dakota

Cosmetology Instructor Training in South Dakota

South Dakota cosmetology instructor training programs can give you the practical experience that you need to thrive in a classroom full of cosmetology students. You will learn about innovative teaching methodologies so that you can cater lesson plans to a variety of learning styles. A cosmetology instructor training program will expose you to courses in teaching methods, curriculum review, course planning, student evaluation, student testing and classroom management. Established instructors will teach you their own techniques for managing a classroom and fostering a team-building attitude amongst students.

You can also learn what it takes to work with students in a clinical salon environment. Being able to provide effective hands-on instruction is crucial for improving the hair styling abilities of students. Ultimately, you will be able to gain your certification and diploma after graduating from a cosmetology instructor training program. The cosmetology instructor training program takes about one year to complete in South Dakota. It may take longer to complete the program if you decide to take courses on a part-time basis or during the evening.

Licensing Requirements for Cosmetology Instructors in South Dakota

There are extensive requirements in South Dakota to become a cosmetology instructor, but it is worthwhile for the lifelong satisfaction that this career can provide to you. You must have a license to practice as a cosmetology instructor in the state. To receive your license, you must have a general cosmetology license in the state. You must also have at least 1,000 hours of work experience as a practicing cosmetologist in South Dakota. There is also a requirement that you complete at least 1,012 hours in a cosmetology instructor training program. Licenses must be renewed once every year for a fee of $20. Cosmetology instructors must also obtain at least 12 continuing education credits to renew their licenses.

Employment Opportunities in South Dakota for Cosmetology Instructors

In South Dakota, you can find open cosmetology instructor positions in cosmetology schools and beauty programs. Students can also find opportunities to teach seminars in community colleges, private colleges and public universities. You may even decide to host your own seminars for the general public if you own a salon or work for a salon. Some salons choose to host monthly seminars as a way to get more clients in the door and promote one’s reputation within the community. The BLS states that the average salary for vocational education instructors is about $46,970 a year.