Rhode Island Beauty Schools by Program
Enrolling in a Rhode Island cosmetology school is your first step to pursing your dream of working in the beauty industry. With beauty programs being offered at both public and private institutions, you are sure to find one that best fits your educational needs. BeautySchools.com has compiled the Web’s most extensive list of schools for you to get in direct contact with so that you are confident in your program choice.
All Beauty Programs in Rhode Island
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Ready to start your cosmetology school search?
Before being eligible to apply for your cosmetology license, you must meet the educational requirements established by the State of Rhode Island Department of Health Administers, which regulates a number of cosmetology specialties. The required school hours for each of the cosmetology field is as follows:
- Cosmetologist: 1500 training hours
- Cosmetology Instructor: Current cosmetology license + 3 years experience + 300 additional training hours
- Manicurist: 300 training hours
- Esthetician: 600 training hours
- Barber: 1500 training hours
- Massage Therapist: 500 training hours
Find Schools in Rhode Island by Program
- Barbering Programs in Rhode Island
- Cosmetology Programs in Rhode Island
- Cosmetology Instructor Programs in Rhode Island
- Esthetics Programs in Rhode Island
- Electrolysis Programs in Rhode Island
- Fashion Design Programs in Rhode Island
- Hair Braiding Programs in Rhode Island
- Hair Styling Programs in Rhode Island
- Makeup Artist Programs in Rhode Island
- Massage Therapy Programs in Rhode Island
- Nail Technician Programs in Rhode Island
- Permanent Makeup Programs in Rhode Island
- Salon Management Programs in Rhode Island