Pennsylvania residents with an interest in skincare and skin health may want to consider a career in the esthetics industry. Esthetics schools in Pennsylvania teach the fundamentals of skincare science and the beauty arts. Training programs give students business and customer service skills along with learning about the different skincare techniques. Most Pennsylvania estheticians treat clients in private and relaxing spa settings.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics expects to see approximately 25 percent job growth for the esthetics profession by 2020.
Overview of Pennsylvania Esthetician Licensing
Pennsylvania esthetics schools require students have at least a 10th grade education to enroll in their programs, and there is no apprenticeship substitute for training at an approved esthetics school. The Pennsylvania State Board of Cosmetology requires students complete at least 300 hours of esthetics education before they can take their written and practical licensing exams. Board examinations in Pennsylvania are available in English, Spanish, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Find Esthetics / Skin Care Programs in Pennsylvania
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Nail Technology / Teacher Training
School Accreditation
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
The curriculum at esthetics schools in Pennsylvania includes courses about skin science and physiology. Students learn:
– to examine and analyze skin – recommend and apply the correct treatments for each skin type – to recognize skin diseases – refer clients to dermatologists or other doctors as needed
Techniques for hair removal and waxing, spa treatments, and makeup application are standard Pennsylvania esthetics school courses.
Pennsylvania Esthetician Career Outlook
Most licensed skincare professionals practice in spas, salons, and upscale department stores. Some skincare specialists work in the tourism industry at hotels and resorts. Salon and spa esthetics appointments are given in private, soothing individual sessions with clients. The skincare professional provides the customer with recommendations for treatments and products to use between sessions to maintain the just-pampered look.
The specialty of medical esthetics is growing as more skincare specialists practice alongside doctors in burn clinics, dermatology offices, and plastic surgery centers. Often medical esthetics requires taking a few extra classes before a skin care professional will join a medical practice. Salaries for Pennsylvania estheticians average $24,040 before tips, although pay varies by location, specialty, training, and experience. Skincare specialists may take specialty training on new procedures, and they work hard to build a happy client base. If the skincare industry and spa atmosphere for work sounds appealing, consider attending a Pennsylvania esthetics school to start in this career field.