Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Oregon Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Oregon Permanent Makeup Programs

Oregon Permanent Makeup Programs

Who knew that tattooing had so many practical applications? Not only can tattooing be used to create body art that expresses a person’s feelings, it’s the main technology behind the use of permanent makeup. Permanent makeup artists specialize in using small tattoo needles to deposit pigment on the ski. This creates the appearance of makeup without clients having to reapply it every day.

Find Permanent Make-Up Programs in Oregon

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Milwaukie, OR
Permanent Make-Up
Happy Valley, OR
Esthetics/Skin Care / Permanent Make-Up
Beaverton, OR
Esthetics/Skin Care / Nail Technology / Permanent Make-Up
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

This field is one that requires a lot of training and dedication if you are to properly take care of your customers. You need to have or develop a strong attention to detail and a set of very steady hands. Studying permanent makeup in Oregon can give you the practical skills and theoretical knowledge you need to begin working as a permanent makeup artist.

If a career in permanent makeup sounds like it might be right up your alley, learn more about this field now! You can check out our list of permanent makeup schools in Oregon to find out what options you have in this field.

Choosing a Permanent Makeup Degree Program

Though there are many permanent makeup degree programs in Oregon, they tend to be fairly similar in the topics they cover and the experience they require. Find out more about what permanent makeup programs teach to find out if this is the right career path for you.

The lessons in a permanent makeup program tend to be divided up into several main topics. Of course, one of the main priorities of this program is the safe and proper use of permanent makeup tools. You may practice handling makeup tools and then actually use him in a real-life work setting. This helps you develop a good sense of judgment when it comes to permanent makeup application, as it helps you figure out which tools to use in different situations.

Another major part of your theoretical training and hands-on practice is sanitation. Since you may be using the same tools on all of your clients, you need to minimize the risk of infection and keep your tools completely hygienic. This part of your training may come from Oregon state laws and OSHA safety standards.

With proper training in client communication, you may be ready to start your career in this industry. You may learn how to communicate the benefits and risks of permanent makeup to clients while learning about their needs for the procedure.

Permanent Makeup Careers in Oregon

One of the main benefits of working as a permanent makeup artist in Oregon is the extremely promising job outlook. In the decade between 2012 and 2022, O*Net anticipates a 57% increase in skin care specialist jobs in Oregon. This job growth rate is 17% higher than the national average (O*Net, 2012).

Those who work in skin care may earn a wide range of salaries. Much depends on where you work, so choose your workplace carefully! Permanent makeup artists may be hired by salons, dermatology offices, and independent permanent makeup salons. The average salary for a permanent makeup artist is $28,900 per year, although those at the top of the pay scale earn more than $56,900 per year (O*Net, 2013).

As a permanent makeup artist, you may want to join professional beauty organizations that can help you learn more about the industry. Consider joining the Professional Beauty Association, which represents beauty professionals throughout the country. The Professional Beauty Federation supports beauty workers through legislation and advocacy. In the state of Oregon, you may be interested in attending PHAMExpo, an annual expo for beauty professionals.

Permanent makeup may be the ideal career path for you. Find out what options you have by contacting permanent makeup schools in Oregon!