Nail Technician Schools and Programs in Oregon
There are numerous nail technician schools in Oregon. The area is beautiful, and while you are a student, you can view the vast ocean as well as mountain regions in the area. Nail schools in the state give students the skills needed to pursue a degree in a career that can last for many years. Counselors and instructors at the schools help students with practical techniques that might not be learned on the job. Assistance is also offered in finding a job after graduating.
Find Nail Technology Programs in Oregon
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Oregon is one of the highest paid states in the country for nail technicians. There are scholarships available for programs.
Nail Technician Licensing Requirements in Oregon
In order to be a nail technician in the state, there are some requirements that need to be fulfilled. You should have a high school diploma or equivalent before beginning any program. Before receiving a certificate or degree, you must attend a licensed school. A licensing exam is given by the state after the classwork is completed. The state does not require any additional classes in order to keep your license. You will only need 350 hours of classwork to take the exam. An apprenticeship is not allowed to obtain the hours needed for the license.
Employment Outlook for Nail Technicians in Oregon
Is there a future in nails in Oregon? There are a few different places that technicians can work including salons and at home. You can also become an instructor. There is a new area where nail technicians can work. A Medical Nail Technician works under the supervision of a Podiatrist. An internship of about a week is required in most offices. Shopping centers often have nail salons that hire people who have recently earned a certification. You can also think about a pet stylist. This position includes trimming the nails of cats, dogs and other animals in a pet store or a groomer. Traveling spas allow you to go outside your city to work with patients in hospitals and nursing homes as well as people who might not be able to leave their home. The salary of a nail technician in the state is about $32,000 a year.