Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State North Dakota Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Barbering Schools in North Dakota

Barbering Schools in North Dakota

Having one skill, in particular, (in addition to having excellent barbering and styling skills), will set the groundwork for you to build a thriving business. People reading comes naturally to some; however, even if you don’t naturally have this skill, you can study and develop it while you are leaning the barbering trade. Your wallet will likely thank you for it for many years to come.

Find Barbering Programs in North Dakota

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Fargo, ND
Fargo, ND
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

For example, some customers hate small talk and find it annoying, while others will need to treat you like a bartender or a psychologist. Customers like this might need to discuss their most recent breakups with you and they might even need your help or encouragement to help boost their self esteem again.

Overview of Barbering Schools and Curriculum in North Dakota

When you attend classes at an accredited North Dakota barbering school, you will learn things like hygiene, the scientific fundamentals surrounding barbering work, and the structure and behavior of hair, skin, nerves and muscles. You will also learn about the structure of the human face, head and neck and learn a little about chemistry so that you can deal with antiseptics and sterilization effectively and safely. Working as a barber is much more than just cutting hair.

Barber Licensing Requirements in North Dakota

In order to test for your license in North Dakota, you must complete 1550 hours of training at an accredited North Dakota barbering school. You must then take and pass your Barber’s Apprentice Exam. Once you have passed that test, you must work for a year as an apprentice to a licensed and board approved barber. Once you have completed your apprenticeship, you will have to take an additional test in order to receive your Barber Practitioner’s license from the North Dakota Board of Barber Examiners and Barber’s Association. You must pay $100 a year to renew your Barber Practitioner’s license.

If you are a barber that is licensed in another state, you can work legally in North Dakota if certain conditions are met. North Dakota will likely grant a reciprocal license to you  without asking you to complete any further training or take any tests if you’re from one of the following states:

Idaho, Rhode Island, Vermont, Minnesota, Arizona, New York,Colorado, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, Nevada, Ohio, New Hampshire, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Louisiana, Washington, District of Columbia, New Jersey, Kansas, Florida, Georgia, Montana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Wyoming, Maine, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Texas, South Dakota, Oregon, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Virginia

Though these states require education and experience hours that are likely equivalent to North Dakota’s, you will still have to pay fees to get your license. If you have a license from another state or territory that is not listed here, then you might have to take additional training and additional tests before you can be eligible for a reciprocal license.

Job and Employment Outlook for Barbers in North Dakota

North Dakota has several fast paced towns that are quite popular including Bismarck, Fargo and Bottineau. It also has many places like Grand Forks that will give you that home town feeling, while you enjoy beautiful scenery every day and experience the perks that come with a slower pace of life.

Both types of communities can offer you profitable barbering work. The USA’s Bureau of Labor Statistics has even found that the median earnings in the barbering industry will continue to rise gradually every year. Currently, the median annual earnings are $22,500 plus tips.