Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State New York Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Hair Braiding Programs in New York

Hair Braiding Programs in New York

New York is known for having one of the most active beauty industries in the entire country. If you are looking for a way to explore your career options in this field, you may want to learn about what hair braiders do and what they must learn.

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New York, NY
Hair Braiding
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

Take the next step by reading about hair braiding programs in New York, then requesting information from those you want to learn more about.

Overview of Hair Braiding Schools and Curriculum in New York

Through the course of your hair braiding program, you may complete several different units across many different subjects. Before you can start working with hair and braiding techniques, you must harness a strong understanding of beauty laws and statutes in New York.

With this training behind you, you may move on to hair braiding techniques. Your instructors may begin with core skills like braiding and cornrowing. These techniques lead to high-level skills like weaving, twisting, and locking.

Hair Braider Licensing in New York

As hair braiding has become increasingly popular in the United States, many states have created their own separate hair braiding licensing processes. The state of New York has braiding requirements that differ from typical cosmetology requirements. The New York State Division of Licensing Services requires new hair braiders to complete a training program that lasts at least 300 hours. Upon meeting this requirement, you must take a written test and a practical test to obtain your license.

Job and Employment Outlook for Hair Braiders in New York

As the cosmetology industry of New York continues to grow, you may find that there are many job openings for those who are willing to take on specialized positions. From 2012 through 2022, O*Net predicts a 12% increase in New York cosmetology jobs. Their estimates indicate that New York cosmetology professionals earn an average of $21,400 per year (O*Net, 2014). On the high end of the scale, some professionals earn more than $48,000 per year (O*Net, 2014).

It’s time to put your customer service skills and your attention to detail to work for you. Use our schools list below to contact hair braiding programs in New York.