Cosmetology Schools and Programs in New York
New York is one of the most urban and trendy places to pursue a cosmetology education. Those who wish to become cosmetologists may see their careers take off to soaring heights in New York City.
From Broadway to the many high-powered business people making their way in the city, a cosmetologist can expect to have a diverse set of clients. A cosmetologist may find that his or her career goes off to unexpected places in New York, and it can be thrilling for an ambitious cosmetologist. When you want to pursue an education at cosmetology schools in New York, it is vital to fully research all of the course offerings at each school.
According to the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, New York is one of the top five states for employment of cosmetologists!
As you browse through the cosmetology programs offered in New York, you will likely notice all of the innovative courses and workshops that can be found. You can immerse yourself in the artistic culture of New York City by obtaining your cosmetology license in this state. All you need to do is submit an application to a variety of cosmetology schools to begin embarking on your dream of making it big in New York as a cosmetologist.
Find Cosmetology Programs in New York
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Cosmetologist Licensing in New York
The New York State Board of Cosmetology requires that students attend a licensed cosmetology school and graduate prior to taking the required exams. After graduation, students will need to successfully pass the exams administered by the New York State Board of Cosmetology. Students will need to complete a total of 1,000 hours of training and coursework in order to receive a cosmetologist license. To become a natural hairstylist, a student will only need to complete 300 hours of instruction and coursework. To become an esthetician, one will only need to complete 600 hours of instruction and coursework. To obtain a barber license, a student may complete a two year apprenticeship.
A cosmetologist must renew his or her license every four years, and the fee is $40.
Job and Employment Outlook for Cosmetologists in New York
The average salary of a cosmetologist in New York according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is about $27,600. Manicurists and pedicurists earn an average salary of $19,300. Makeup artists can become very successful and earn an average salary of $91,640.
Featured Cosmetology Schools in NY
To become a cosmetologist, you need to have the appropriate training and licensing. We have direct relationships with over 25 cosmetology schools in New York that can help you achieve training and licensing. Because we have a direct relationship with them, you can be assured that your information will be transmitted to them securely and swiftly. As a rule of thumb, you should request information from 2 or 3 schools, get the specific program information from them, and weigh your options before making your decision.