Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Minnesota Beauty Schools by Program Hair Braiding Programs in Minnesota

Hair Braiding Programs in Minnesota

Cosmetology professionals play a number of roles in their customers’ lives. Not only do they make their hair look great, they may act as counselors, friends, and listening ears. As a braider, you can do all of this for your Minnesota clients! Braiding requires concentration and the ability to work with the same customer for hours at a time.

Keep reading, then request program information from hair braiding programs in Minnesota to get started.

Overview of Hair Braiding Schools and Curriculum in Minnesota

When you’re choosing a braiding school in Minnesota, it’s not about what’s required by the state. It’s about what you need to learn and how much practice you can get under the guidance of your instructors. After covering important topics like sanitation and hygiene, your instructors may jump right into braiding techniques.

For each technique, you may learn the steps, watch your instructor recreate it, and then spend a considerable amount of time practicing. With input from your instructor, you can improve your work and complete styles more quickly. You may come up with ways to make each style your own. Covered styles may include twisting, braiding, locking, and cornrowing.

Hair Braider Licensing in Minnesota

Minnesota, a state known for its reasonable licensing processes and requirements, has a fairly lax system in place for hair braiders. This can help you save time on the licensing process and start working more quickly.

The Minnesota Board of Cosmetology Examiners requires braiders to complete a course of 30 hours. This mainly focuses on sanitation, hygiene, and safety in a beauty setting. You can then obtain your braiding license and work independently or work for a cosmetology employer.

Job and Employment Outlook for Hair Braiders in Minnesota

O*Net reports stable growth in the cosmetology industry of Minnesota. Between 2012 and 2022, they expect to see job openings for cosmetology professionals increase by 6% (O*Net, 2012).

Typically, salaries in this state are in line with national averages. O*Net reports a statewide average of $22,600 per year (O*Net, 2014).

Are you ready to make your mark on the cosmetology community of Minnesota? Take the first step now by contacting hair braiding programs in Minnesota.