Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Massachusetts Beauty Schools by Program Beauty Schools in Boston

Beauty Schools in Boston

Become a beauty professional in Boston!

As the largest city in Massachusetts, the city of Boston may be an ideal place to start your cosmetology career. There are over 645,000 people living in this area that may become your potential clients once you graduate. Some of the most prominent cosmetology schools in Boston include Marinello Schools of Beauty and Empire Beauty School. With us, you can request information from several schools to compare their programs! So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get started!

All Beauty Programs in Boston, Massachusetts

Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Boston, MA
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Nail Technology / Massage Therapy
Boston, MA
Make-Up Artist Training
Boston, MA
Permanent Make-Up
Boston, MA
Massage Therapy
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

One factor you may wish to consider as you look at nearby schools is financial aid. Look at the school’s tuition rates and financial aid options to figure out how much you may need to pay out of pocket. In addition, look at the school’s course schedules. This may tell you if you can fit school into your schedule or if you’ll need to consider other institutions.

Choose from several schools in your area…

Boston and the surrounding area has a range of beauty schools to choose from. You may opt to study cosmetology, barbering, nail care, or esthetics. To get the most from your education, you may choose to join a local cosmetology group. The Cosmetology Association of Massachusetts. This group offers advocacy service, updates on relevant legislative bills, help with licensing, and networking opportunities.
Cosmetology school often lasts one to two years, so you can plan on getting a wide range of experience during your schooling. You may learn about different hair care products and what they’re made up of so that you can sell them to clients. You may also learn how to set up a work station, use your time wisely while on the work floor, and work collaboratively as part of a salon team.

Job picture for cosmetology graduates

One benefit of living in a large city is the positive job outlook you can often look forward to, since there are more salons and spas than in smaller areas. According to O*Net, the demand for cosmetologists in Massachusetts is expected to increase by 23% between 2010 and 2020. This growth rate is 10% higher than the national average (O*Net, 2010)! It is expected to lead to approximately 800 new jobs per year (O*Net, 2010). Salaries in Massachusetts also tend to be higher than the national average. O*Net reports salaries of $18,100 to $55,400, and the average salary in this state is $28,200 per year (O*Net, 2013).

Don’t wait any longer to take the next step towards a beautiful career in cosmetology! Request information from the schools below today…

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