Cosmetology Instructor Training in Louisiana
In Louisiana, you can find cosmetology instructor training programs that are designed to help you succeed and in turn help future cosmetology students succeed . Completion of a cosmetology instructor training program will provide you with a diploma upon graduation. You will be able to take theoretical and practical skills courses during your time in a program.
Find Teacher Training Programs in Louisiana
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Louisiana laws require that you complete at least 500 credit hours in an approved cosmetology instructor program, and it usually takes six months to one year to complete the program. Many programs operate as limited admissions programs, and only up to 15 students are typically admitted into them.
Cosmetology instructor training programs expose students to courses like lesson planning, student evaluation, coursework preparation, teaching methods, student motivation, professionalism, student testing, classroom management and curriculum development. Those who choose to take a day program can finish an instructor training program in only six months, while those who take an evening program usually take about nine months to one year to complete the program. Students are required to have at least one year of experience as a practicing cosmetologist before enrolling in a cosmetology instructor training program.
Licensing Requirements for Cosmetology Instructors in Louisiana
To become a cosmetology instructor in Louisiana, you must first possess a valid cosmetology license in the state. You must also complete at least 500 credit hours in an approved cosmetology instructor training program in the state. Louisiana statutes also require you have at least one year of practical experience prior to entering a cosmetology instructor training program. To receive a cosmetology license in Louisiana, you will need to have completed the 10th grade and at least 1,500 hours in an approved cosmetology program. Additionally, you pass the required State Board exams, pay the required fees and be at least 16 years old.
Employment Opportunities in Louisiana
In Louisiana, vocational education teachers earn an average annual salary of $45,120 a year. There is a growing demand for cosmetology instructors in Louisiana. The starting hourly rate for cosmetology instructors in Louisiana is about $17.30 an hour. You may be able to find positions within beauty schools upon your graduation from an approved cosmetology instructor program or in private beauty programs, community colleges or public universities. Private colleges may also offer a certification program or seminar classes. If you are seeking employment you can work with the career services department of a cosmetology instructor program to find open positions.