Louisiana Cosmetology Schools
If you are ambitious and ready to become a cosmetologist, then Louisiana can be a great state for the pursuit of your license. Louisiana has plenty of career opportunities to offer to those students who are willing to seize them. The state can also be the perfect place to embark on your own success and start a new salon. There are plenty of beauty schools in the state to provide you with the quality education that you need to become a success story. The typical curriculum at beauty schools in Louisiana exposes students to courses in nail care, hair care, hair styling, hair coloring, hair weaving, waxing, professional etiquette, salon management, laboratory work and facial treatments.
You can get started in pursuing your license by enrolling at one of the following cosmetology schools in Louisiana:
Find Cosmetology Programs in Louisiana
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Overview of Cosmetology Schools and Curriculum in Louisiana
As you research the cosmetology schools in Louisiana, you should try to find a school that offers the specific certificate programs or courses that you want. Perhaps you want to take a course in starting up a new salon or performing the latest laser hair removal techniques. You can read through the course offerings for cosmetology schools to find a school that suits your needs. Maybe you want to learn more about the job placement rate or exam passage rate for the school. All you need to do is call the administrator of a school to learn this information.
Cosmetologist Licensing in Louisiana
The Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology requires that students complete a licensed cosmetology program in order to receive their license. Students will also need to complete the written examination that is put forth by the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology upon their graduation. It will also be essential for students to complete the hour requirements for the type of beauty license that they wish to pursue. To pursue a cosmetologist license, students will need to complete a minimum of 1,500 hours of training and instruction. To obtain a hair design license, students will need to complete a minimum of 500 hours of training and instruction. Students who wish to obtain a barber license will need to complete 1,500 hours of training and instruction.
A cosmetologist license must be renewed once a year. The cost of renewing a license in Louisiana is $25.
Job and Employment Outlook for Cosmetologists in Louisiana
The average salary of a cosmetologist in Louisiana is $22,380 a year according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Manicurists and pedicurists can expect to earn an average salary of $20,950 a year. Remember these salary numbers do not include the tips that are received at the end of each service provided.
Cosmetology Schools in Louisiana
Aveda Institute Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA
Remington College Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA
Virginia College Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA
Aveda Institute Covington Covington, LA
Aveda Institute Lafayette Lafayette, LA
Remington College Lafayette, LA
Aveda Institute New Orleans Metairie, LA
Career Technical College (CTC) Shreveport, LA
Virginia College Shreveport Shreveport, LA