Kansas Cosmetology Programs and Curriculum
For those who love a blend of the rural and city lifestyle, Kansas can be the ultimate state in which to practice cosmetology. There are plenty of cities in Kansas for those with an urban flair and who would like a more chic lifestyle. Kansas also has plenty of cosmetology schools available for those who wish to obtain their licenses.
Find Cosmetology Programs in Kansas
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
The typical curriculum of a cosmetology program in Kansas requires students to master the areas of hair care, nail techniques, facials, spa treatments, hair styling, hair coloring, hair weaving, professional etiquette, salon management and skin care services. Those who wish to specialize in a field like massage therapy or makeup application may have additional course requirements to fulfill prior to graduation.
Overview of Cosmetology Schools and Curriculum in Kansas
You can research the schools listed above to find a match that meets your needs. Whether you want to learn the latest hair coloring techniques or become a spa treatment specialist, you can find a beauty program that will work for you. There are plenty of opportunities available for you to refine your cosmetology schools and obtain the license that you have always wanted. You can also research the various statistics available for each beauty school, such as its exam passage rate, job placement rate and the number of students graduating each year.
Cosmetologist Licensing in Kansas
The Kansas Board of Cosmetology maintains various hour requirements for those who wish to become licensed cosmetologists, barbers, nail techs, estheticians and other types of beauty professionals. Cosmetologists and barbers are required to obtain 1,500 hours of instruction and training at cosmetology schools in Kansas. An esthetician must acquire 1,000 hours of training and instruction. A nail tech must complete 350 hours of instruction and training.
Here is a list of the current cosmetology schools that offer programs in Kansas:
– Marinello School of Beauty
– Entourage Institute of Beauty and Esthetics
– Bellus Academy
– Regency Beauty Institute
– Crave Beauty Academy
– LaBaron Hairdressing Academy
– Eric Fisher Academy
Every two years, a cosmetologist’s license will expire in Kansas. An individual will need to pay a fee of $45 in order to reinstate his or her license. Continuing education credits are not required for the renewal of a license. Also, individuals may pay a fee of $50 to transfer a cosmetology license from another state.
Job and Employment Outlook for Cosmetologists in Kansas
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average salary of a cosmetologist in Kansas is about $24,210 a year. Barbers make about $24,470 a year. Manicurists and pedicurists can expect to an average salary of $24,080 a year in Kansas. These salary numbers do not typically include tips received after the service.