Kansas Cosmetology and Beauty Schools
Take the first step and find a beauty school in Kansas that offers you the necessary education to rock the growing beauty industry. Searching top cosmetology schools and programs will let you feel confident that the beauty school you enroll in will be best suited for your educational demands and career desires. Let BeautySchools.com do the hard part for you, by gathering all of the information you need to know in order to succeed in the world of cosmetology.
All Beauty Programs in Kansas
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Are you ready to discover cosmetology school opportunities in Kansas?
Before applying for your license to practice cosmetology in Kansas, you must successfully complete the required amount of classroom hours needed for your beauty specialty. The Kansas Board of Cosmetology is responsible for granting licenses to those who meet these requirements to become an electrologist, cosmetologist, esthetician, manicurist and permanent makeup specialist. If you wish to attend a barbering program in Kansas, your training requirements are established by the Kansas Board of Barbering. Your program must consist of the following required hours per cosmetology specialty in order for you to be eligible for licensure:
- Cosmetologist: 1,500 training hours
- Esthetician: 1,000 training hours
- Manicurist: 350 training hours
- Electrolysis Technician: 500 training hours
- Barber: 1,500 training hours
- Massage Therapist: 500 training hours
After a license is obtained, you need to have 15 hours of classes every three years in order to maintain that license. A renewal fee must be sent to the state with the proof of the classes. If you have less than 1,500 hours of classroom work, you will need to take a practical exam to demonstrate that you can perform the tasks involved in being a cosmetologist.
Find Cosmetology Schools in Kansas by Program
- Barbering Programs in Kansas
- Cosmetology Programs in Kansas
- Cosmetology Instructor Programs in Kansas
- Esthetics Programs in Kansas
- Electrolysis Programs in Kansas
- Fashion Design Programs in Kansas
- Hair Braiding Programs in Kansas
- Hair Styling Programs in Kansas
- Makeup Artist Programs in Kansas
- Massage Therapy Programs in Kansas
- Nail Technician Programs in Kansas
- Permanent Makeup Programs in Kansas
- Salon Management Programs in Kansas