Enrolling in an Indiana cosmetology school will not only prepare you to conquer the world of beauty, but will take you back to where one of the top cosmetic products began. In 1905, a conditioning treatment used for straightening hair was developed by Sarah Walker in Indiana, and has been the base for many products used by cosmetologists today, including the modern relaxer treatment.
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Nail Technology / Teacher Training
School Accreditation
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Ready to pursue your cosmetology dreams?
Finding a beauty program that best fits your educational and career goals is the first step to take to becoming a licensed cosmetologist in Indiana. The State Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners, a part of the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, is responsible for granting licensure after you have successfully completed the following classroom hours per cosmetology specialty:
Cosmetologist: 1,500 training hours
Barber: 1,500 training hours
Esthetician: 700 hours of traiing
Electrologist: 700 hours of esthetics training + 300 hours of electrology training
Manicurist: 450 training hours
Although Indiana does not accept apprenticeship hours for licensure, it will allow you to substitute 100 hours of training for 1 year of licensed practice, as long as you have completed a minimum of 1,000 hours of education. The state does not require continuing education classes in order to maintain a license, but the license will expire every four years.
The Indiana State Board of Massage Therapy will be your regulating body if you wish to complete your cosmetology training in a massage therapy program. In that case you must complete 500 hours of training from an accredited program.