Idaho Cosmetology and Beauty Schools
Interested in taking the first step into the beauty industry? Enrolling in an Idaho cosmetology program will get you on your way to joining nearly 1,400 cosmetologists in the state and pursuing your dream. wants to make your search for the perfect school as easy as possible, which is why we have compiled the Web’s most extensive list of programs in your area. Compare different options and get in contact with your top schools to find the one that is right for you!
All Beauty Programs in Idaho
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Ready to start your search?
Before being eligible to apply for your cosmetology license, the Idaho Board of Cosmetology, requires that you meet its educational requirements from a board approved school. There are 9 different types of cosmetology licenses that you can earn in Idaho, each as follows:
- Cosmetologist: 2,000 training hours or 4,000 apprenticeship hours
- Hairstylist: 900 training hours
- Esthetician: 600 classroom hours and 1,200 apprenticeship hours
- Nail Technician: 400 classroom hours and 800 apprenticeship hours
- Barber Stylist: 1,800 training hours
- Barber: 900 training hours
- Electrologist: 800 training hours
- Massage Therapist: 500 training hours
In Idaho, you may apply for a cosmetology instructor license directly if you have worked in the field for five of the last seven years. People with less than two years of work experience need 1,000 student teaching hours. If you have two to five years of experience as a cosmetologist, you need 500 student teaching hours before you can apply for the instructor license.
Find Schools in Idaho by Program
- Barbering Programs in Idaho
- Cosmetology Programs in Idaho
- Cosmetology Instructor Programs in Idaho
- Esthetics Programs in Idaho
- Electrolysis Programs in Idaho
- Fashion Design Programs in Idaho
- Hair Braiding Programs in Idaho
- Hair Styling Programs in Idaho
- Makeup Artist Programs in Idaho
- Massage Therapy Programs in Idaho
- Nail Technician Programs in Idaho
- Permanent Makeup Programs in Idaho
- Salon Management Programs in Idaho