Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State Hawaii Cosmetology and Beauty Schools Hawaii Electrolysis Training Programs

Hawaii Electrolysis Training Programs

There is also a trend for individuals who intend on practicing electrology in Hawaii to receive their formal training in California. You may wish to learn about electrolysis programs offered in California if you wish to choose from a wider selection of programs.

An electrology program will help you understand fundamental concepts in the application of electricity to permanently remove hair. You will be able to take courses based in theory and also courses that have practical application in the real world.

Some of the practical application classes that you will take are intended to:

– develop your interpersonal skills with clients
– learn how to perform health assessments of clients
– use tools to remove hair
– work with lighting in the office
– take photographs

The theoretical courses that you will take focus on physiology, anatomy, hair on the human body, the endocrine system, hair diseases and other courses with a biological focus.

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School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

Overview of Electrolysis Licensing in Hawaii

To become an electrologist in Hawaii, students will need to fulfill the license requirements in the state. Students need to complete at least 600 hours in an accredited electrologist program. Instead of pursuing the formal education requirement, students can also obtain a license by submitting documentation of at least 800 hours of experience in an apprenticeship position. Students must pass a written exam and be at least 18 years old.

Job and Employment Outlook for Those in Electrolysis in Hawaii

Electrologists in Hawaii can expect to earn a salary of about $30,000 a year. This salary may increase if electrologists choose to work on a freelance or independent basis. Electrologists also have the option of working full-time for a salon or spa. In this context, electrologists may earn an annual salary that also accounts for the tips that are received from clients.