Home Cosmetology and Beauty Schools by State District of Columbia Cosmetology and Beauty Schools D.C. Schools with Nail Technician Programs

D.C. Schools with Nail Technician Programs

If you live in the District of Columbia, you can find several schools that can train you to become a nail tech. BeautySchools.com specializes in helping students from across the U.S. find the right programs to enter the world of beauty. You may find schools that focus specifically on nails, but you should also consider enrolling in a complete cosmetology program. That will help you learn skills in other areas, such as hair and makeup, which can make you more appealing to prospective employers.

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Find Nail Technology Programs in District of Columbia

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Washington, DC
Cosmetology / Nail Technology / Teacher Training
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

Overview of Nail Technician Schools in District of Columbia

Washington D.C. has schools like Bennett Beauty Institute, Dudley Beauty College of Washington and The Frances Olivia French Institute, which offer cosmetology programs that include nail technician training. However, you can train in nearby areas like Maryland and Virginia if you want to solely focus on becoming a nail technician.

During the course of your beauty education, you will learn how to do nails. You’ll learn how to cut them correctly, the proper procedure with cuticles, techniques for filing and also how to clean nails. Your education will prepare you to give manicures and pedicures using artificial nails such as acrylics and gel nails. You’ll learn how to remove artificial nails as well. A portion of your training will consist of sanitation procedures, so you can avoid giving a client fungus or an infection. Obviously like any other regulated beauty specialty, you must learn the laws associated with the field. Many schools provide business training to prepare your for managing a nail salon or opening your own nail salon.

Nail Technician Licensing Requirements in District of Columbia

The District of Columbia Board of Barber and Cosmetology requires you complete and pass an exam that tests your knowledge and your capabilities through an exam comprised of a written section and a practical portion. Before you can take the test, you must complete a training program that’s approved by the Board, whether the program is in the state or not. The program must be at least 350 hours in length.

Employment Outlook for Nail Technicians in District of Columbia

Washington D.C. makes the top-five list for states in the U.S. with the highest concentration of jobs for manicurists and pedicurists. It’s also number four on the list of top-paying states as ranked by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In fact, the average nail technician is this political center earns about $12.12 per hour, which is the same as $25,200 per year.

Take the next step toward a career in the beauty industry. Review the cosmetology schools below to find out which one will help you achieve your goals!