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Cosmetology Schools in San Jose

Pursue a Beautiful Career!

Looking to start a career in the beauty field near San Jose, CA? There are several nearby beauty schools that you can contact and attend, including Marinello Schools of Beauty, Academy for Salon Professionals and the Fremont Beauty College. In addition, there are various beauty courses that you can enroll in at the school of your choice, such as cosmetology, skincare, hairstyling and manicuring.

BeautySchools.com wants to be your resource for finding the right beauty program. If you’re ready to start your next career, (and make your clients look fabulous!) use our directory of schools to take the next step!

The California Board of Cosmetology determines how many hours in the classroom you must complete before you can obtain your license. Here’s a short list of the required hours for a few of the popular courses:

• Skin care – 600 hours
• Manicurist – 400 hours
• Cosmetologist – 1,600 hours
• Barber – 1,500 hours

As you can see, the hours can vary greatly from occupation to occupation. Some people choose to take up more than one course, while others might just enroll in say, cosmetology, which focuses just on hair and nails. Once you’ve decided what beauty course you’d like to enroll in, you can use our online database to find a school near you that fits your specific needs.

Choose the Right Focus

Understanding what each of the beauty courses entails can help you decide which direction you’d like to take. Likely, you have an idea of what you want to do in a salon or spa, so picking one may not be very difficult. However, for those who need a little more of a push, here is a list of the common fields and what the job duties consist of:

Cosmetology: As a cosmetologist, you will cater to your clients by doing their hair, nails and feet. In some cases, you may even be asked to do makeup. Some people decide to specialize in bridal hairstyles, nails and makeup, which could be a great niche if you live in an area with a lot of young potential brides.

Nail Tech: As a manicurist, you will learn how to clean hands and nails, as well as how to paint and do airbrush designs. If you’re really creative, you could even come up with your own unique designs. Nail techs also do pedicures, which involves scrubbing feet and cleaning and painting toenails.

Hairstylist: Washing, conditioning and styling hair is the norm when you’re a hairstylist. Of course, you would also be in charge of cutting and trimming hair, as well as dying and bleaching hair.

Skincare Tech: Caring for clients’ skin by examining, cleansing and nurturing it using soaps, creams and masks is a normal day for an esthetician. Keeping up with the latest industry trends for skincare is also required.

If any of the aforementioned occupations sound like a position you wouldn’t mind (and hopefully love) working in, then it’s time to take the first step and enroll in a school that meets your needs.

Look Forward to a World of Beauty!

Getting a license in the beauty profession is a great accomplishment and can be extremely rewarding, but you want to start getting paid for your services, right? At this point in time, it’s important to begin the groundwork, which consists of networking at local beauty events and salons. The idea is to get yourself known and in the midst of individuals who may be able to help advance your beauty career.

One event you may want to attend is the Face and Body Northern California Spa Conference & Expo. While you’re networking at these events or salons, it’s a good idea to pass out your professional-looking business card, which should feature your name, number and license info.

Once you grow your clientele at your own salon or your employer’s, you may start to see a steady flow of income from happy return customers. But how much could you potentially earn in San Jose? Well, according to O*Net, manicurists and pedicurists in San Jose earn between $17,300 and $23,000. Cosmetologists and hair stylists in San Jose tend to earn a bit more, with salaries ranging between $17,800 and $35,100. The amount you can make all comes down to the field you choose to make your career.

Don’t wait to follow your passion for beauty with training at a Beauty School in San Jose! Contact the schools listed here to get started today!

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