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Cosmetology Schools in Long Beach

Take the Next Step Towards a Career in Beauty!

Are you looking to work in a beauty salon or spa as a hair stylist, nail tech or skincare specialist? If so, that’s great! You’ll want to attend a beauty school that offers courses in your area. Fortunately, there are a couple of great beauty schools you can find near Long Beach, CA, such as Marinello Schools of Beauty and Palace Beauty College. Learning about the various beauty courses that you can take can help you decide what’s up your alley. That’s why BeautySchools.com lists all your options for beauty school training. You can contact all the schools in your area easily, without hassle. By comparing several schools, you can make the best decision for your future.

In most beauty schools, you’ll find licensing courses for nail technicians, hair braiders, hair weavers, cosmetologists and estheticians. Some people choose to do single-license classes because they require fewer hours than a full-service licensure, like cosmetologists or master estheticians. According to the California Board of Cosmetology, you’ll have to complete the following amount of total hours for beauty courses:

• Esthetician – 600 hours
• Cosmetologist – 1,600 hours
• Manicurist – 400 hours
• Electrologist – 600 hours
• Barber – 1,500 hours

Are you interested in taking up one of these courses, or just want to learn more about them? Then use our database to look for the local beauty schools’ contact information.

Deciding What Beauty Course is Right for You

Still wondering which beauty course would best suit you? Then it’s time to do a little research about the different beauty positions and what their jobs entail. Luckily, we’ve done some of the work for you. Here is a list of some of the available beauty courses you can take in Long Beach, CA:

Esthetician: In this course, you will learn how to analyze clients’ skin to determine what treatments and products you can use to improve it. You’ll also learn how to properly use high-end wash faces with soaps and creams, moisturize with lotions and oils, and nourish skin with different kinds of masks.

Manicurist: If you like painting and designing nails and toenails, then you may enjoy this field. In a manicurist course, you’ll learn how to clean hands, feet and nails, trim, cute, and assess nails, hands and feet to determine the proper treatments and products to use to make them, well, beautiful!

Hair Stylist: As a hair stylist, you will learn how to style, cut and color hair up to your clients’ standards. Learning how to keep up with the latest trends in hairstyles is an important part of being a hairstylist. Some of the duties you’ll have in a salon include, but are not limited to: washing and conditioning hair, assessing different types of hair to determine proper care, and keeping a clean work station.

Cosmetologist: Those who want to do a little of everything may find cosmetology to be their cup of tea. As a cosmetologist, you can play the role of a hair stylist, makeup artist, manicurist, or skincare tech. You could even go for the grand slam and master them all, if you choose.

Electrologist: In this course, you’ll learn how to remove hair using an electric needle, which burns the hair off, which should stop it from growing back. This process is known as electrolysis and has become very popular.

Once you have decided on the beauty field that you’d like to go into, you can enroll into the school of your choice and start the journey that will (hopefully) be your long term career.

Finding Work and Building Your Clientele

Graduating from beauty school is only the beginning, of course. Next, you’ll have to focus on finding an employer or your very own clients. Those who decide to venture into entrepreneurism will find that networking is an important key to finding new clients. One great way to network is to attend beauty expos in Long Beach, CA, like the International Barbering & Beauty Expo and the Long Beach International Salon and Spa Expo. You should also check with the beauty school you attended to see if they offer job placement assistance.

Earning a living in your beauty profession is likely your ultimate goal. According to O*Net, the range of salaries for cosmetologists and hair dressers is between $17,700 and $42,800. There’s also an expected 19% increase in this field which is about 1,580 new job openings in the state of California. This is 6% higher than the national average, which is great news in you’re from the area.

Don’t wait to pursue a career that allows you to express your talent for making others look their best. Use our directory to find and compare programs today!

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