Interested in completing your education through a cosmetology school in Arkansas? Lucky for you, there are over 60 cosmetology schools located in the state, making it a viable option if you wish to pursue a career in the beauty industry. Who knows, upon completion of your beauty program you may even find yourself working for a salon such as Metropolis Salon, a top hair salon in the country according to Elle Magazine!
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.
Start discovering beauty program opportunities!
From career colleges to full cosmetology schools, Arkansas gives you plenty of options to find a school best suited to your educational and career goals. The Arkansas Department of Health is responsible for granting your license after you complete the required training hours and have successfully passed the Arkansas cosmetology licensing exam. Because the hours differ among cosmetology specialties, it is pertinent to be aware how many you will be required to complete while comparing your program options.
Cosmetologist: 1,500 hours of training
Electrologist: 600 hours of training or 350 hours if you also have your cosmetology license
Esthetician: 600 hours of training
Nail technician: 600 hours of training
Arkansas does not currently require any continuing education credits to renew your cosmetology license. You can renew your license by your birthday in years ending with odd numbers. Out-of-state applicants are required to take the Arkansas licensing exam in order to practice cosmetology in this state.
The Arkansas Department of Health is not the regulating board for massage therapists or barbers. If you choose to pursue these cosmetology paths, you will receive your license from the following: