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Beauty Schools in Tempe Arizona

While exploring the city of Tempe, you’ve probably seen how fun and diverse the beauty industry of this city is. Conveniently located near Phoenix, Tempe’s streets are lined with quirky, eccentric salons, spas, beauty shops, and other cosmetology employers. If you want to recreate the hairstyles and makeup looks that you see on Pinterest all the time, start a career in beauty and get paid for your creativity!

All Beauty Programs in Tempe, Arizona

Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Tempe, AZ
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Hair Design / Teacher Training
AZ Barber Academy – Accredited
Tempe, AZ
Barbering / Continuing Education / Teacher Training
Tempe, AZ
Massage Therapy
Tempe, AZ
Esthetics/Skin Care / Laser Training / Teacher Training
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.

If you want to start your beauty career in Tempe, there are lots of schools for you to look at. Between schools in Tempe, schools in Phoenix, and schools in nearby suburbs, you can definitely find the right program for you. For up to nine months, you’ll be spending about 40 hours per week in school, so you should definitely look up student reviews and information to find a school that you love. Look for a school where the teachers give plenty of feedback and seem invested in your success. Since you’ll get lots of your experience while working with clients, you may want to make sure that you choose a beauty school with a diverse, growing customer base.

The beauty world is waiting for you and your skills. Contact beauty schools in Tempe to get started!

Life and Career Options for Cosmetologists in Tempe Arizona

One benefit of working in the Tempe area is the fact that salaries throughout this region are in line with statewide and nationwide averages. Currently, cosmetologists in the Tempe area bring in an average of $25,290 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015). For manicurists, the average salary is $25,280 per year (BLS, 2015). Skin care specialists have an average salary of $35,690 annually (BLS, 2015).

If you’re big into social media, use your time online to advance your career. Building a professional network of beauty contacts can help you build a reputation, go to exclusive events, and get customer referrals. You can even learn about job openings at local employers. Beauty employers in Tempe include Sephora, Beauty Brands, Mally Beauty, and Aveda.

If you’re not sure how to get connected to other cosmetology professionals and students, no worries—there are lots of resources in Tempe. The Professional Beauty Association, one of the biggest cosmetology organizations in the country, is located near Tempe. Expos, trade shows, and beauty seminars are also really beneficial. A major show in Phoenix each year is the Phoenix Focus Hair Expo.

Request more information from the cosmetology programs in Tempe that are listed below to learn more!