Turning Point Beauty College - Phoenix
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Programs Offered
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Program information not available.
Hair Design
Program information not available.
Nail Technology
Program information not available.
Teacher Training
Program information not available.
At Turning Point Beauty College, students prepare for successful careers in the beauty industry as licensed cosmetologists, cosmetology instructors, and nail technicians.
The school's 1,600-hour cosmetology program takes 54 weeks to complete and covers theoretical and practical topics across hair, nails, massage, and more. The school offers a variety of financial aid options to ensure that all students have access to the course.
An alumna, MzKavii, says, "They taught me a lot & in return I drop in to share knowledge to students that now sit where I used to. Great place to come get serviced & allow upcoming cosmetologists to get their training done. Thanks for letting me demo. Means so much."
About This School
Please contact this school to learn more about how to apply.
This school is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS).
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