Nuvani Institute - Austin
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Programs Offered
- 1,000 hours
- 9 months
- $14,600
Program information not available.
Nail Technology
- 600 hours
- 6 months
- $5,800
With a variety of in-depth cosmetology programs on offer, the Nuvani Institute's South Austin campus may be the ideal training ground for aspiring beauty professionals. Their 1,500-hour cosmetology operator program provides students with a strong foundation in the skills required for future specializations in the beauty industry. Other programs such as manicure specialist, esthetician, and instructor are also available.
The school offers flexible class hours to work around students' schedules and offers a $2,000 reward upon graduation. "It's great place to start a cosmetology career!" says student Angela. "The instructors have been great. They have been going out of their way to ensure we've get all we need from distance learning."
About This School
Please contact this school to learn more about how to apply.
Financial Aid
97% of students received financial aid. Students were awarded $5,558 on average.
First-time undergraduate students in the 2021 school year.
School Size
As of 2021 this school has 69 students enrolled with a student-to-teacher ratio of 9:1.
Information gathered from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 2023.

This school is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education (COE).
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