Home Cosmetology Schools in Illinois

Futurama Beauty Academy

Futurama Beauty Academy

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1822 West 47th Street, Chicago, IL 60609

Unverified School

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Programs Offered


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Teacher Training

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The Futurama Beauty Academy has a 4.3-star rating on Google reviews because people who get their hair cut at this beauty school love the quality. Nick Anderson says it well when he exclaims, "You're not going to find such a good haircut for a lower price!"

At Futurama Beauty Academy, you could focus on cosmetology, manicuring, or cosmetology instruction. The school has been owned and operated by a local Chicago family for over 30 years, and their ties to the community help make this school a success. The bilingual educators are knowledgeable on the latest styles and industry trends, and the students have a 98% state board passing score rate.

About This School


Please contact this school to learn more about how to apply.


This school is accredited by the State Board of Cosmetology.

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