Educators of Beauty College of Cosmetology - Peru
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Programs Offered
Continuing Education
Program information not available.
- 1,500 hours
- 13 months
- $18,308
Program information not available.
Nail Technology
- 350 hours
- 7 months
- $3,700
Teacher Training
Program information not available.
Educators of Beauty has many Illinois locations, and the Peru location has a 4.9-star rating on Google reviews from customers of the student salon. For the price, the quality of the work at Educators of Beauty is unbeatable. Samantha Reynolds reviewed it as a former student, saying, "It's a great college to attend.... I recommend this school to almost everyone I see that has any questions. Thank you guys for giving me the best education I could possibly ever get!"
The Peru location focuses on the fundamentals. You sharpen your technical skills in the student salon so you can graduate ready to work. The school curriculum is unique, with cutting-edge techniques and Erick Fisher's ProsperU: Drivers of Success to teach you how to run and market a salon business.
The school provides each student with a cosmetology education kit, including an iPad to practice using the Learn About Beauty digital platform, real-hair mannequins in varying hair textures, professional-grade equipment, a lash and makeup kit, and other resources.
In the School's Words
Pivot Point Training
Pivot Point is considered to be one of the most respected leaders in hair and beauty education. By being a Pivot Point Member School, we use the most up-to date educational materials, programs, and systems for every facet of the beauty industry. Pivot Point graduates remain in high demand world wide.
You'll learn more at a college that's state of the art. It's easier to learn when you college uses the most efficient (and coolest) methods. We know this, so, all our educational programs are on interactive DVD disc.
Beauty College Educators
Chosen for their expertise in teaching skills, passion for the industry, salon experience and people skills. They offer a fun approach to learning and have an amazing desire for you to succeed.
Why Educators of Beauty? Because for over 62 years we've done nothing else but offer progressive education and remain the salon owner's choice for recruiting new professionals. Our track record proves our success.
Our professional decorators utilize the same principles of design in creating an upscale and professional theme for you and our guests.
Training Systems
Pivot Point Education---what more can be said. We are part of a group that other beauty schools dream about. Our education is not only in the books or from the extensive platform demonstration but also on d.v.d. And our educators have extensive training annually to remain certified in the Scientific Approach to Hair Design, Salon Success and More - The system is State of the Art!!!
Career Services
Educators prepares our graduates for the state licensing exam and offers lifetime job placement assistance nationwide in spas or hair salons. Other job opportunities are distributor consultants, manufacturer representatives/educators, platform artist and cosmetology college positions. We also offer an educator training program to become a licensed educator in a cosmetology college. You can qualify for an internship in a supervised salon for added salon experience. This is available toward the end of your program and enhances your marketability.
Cosmetology Courses
Day and evening schedules
- Hair sculpturing, color design, texture design/relaxing, hair design and tricology
- Esthetics (facials/make-up)
- Nail technology (manicures/pedicures)
- Marketing, sales, retailing, communication skills and business principles
- Workshops conducted by guest artists from Redken, O.P.I, Matrix and others
Nail Technology Courses
Class schedules vary
- acrylic/sculpting/gel procedures, manicures, pedicures and massage
- business practices including communication skills
- public health, safety, sanitation and sterilization
- workshops conducted by O.P.I.
About This School
There is an application fee of $100. Please contact this school to learn more about how to apply.
Financial Aid
77% of students received financial aid. Students were awarded $4,110 on average.
First-time undergraduate students in the 2021 school year.
School Size
As of 2021 this school has 48 students enrolled with a student-to-teacher ratio of 15:1.
Information gathered from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 2023.
This school is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS).
Other Area Schools You Should Consider
Educators of Beauty College of Cosmetology - Sterling – Accredited
Sterling, IL 61081
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