Charm Beauty School
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Programs Offered
Program information not available.
Program information not available.
Hair Design
Program information not available.
Makeup Artistry
Program information not available.
Nail Technology
Program information not available.
At Charm Beauty School, the focus is on providing students with a warm, friendly, family-oriented learning environment.
Students appreciate the supportive staff and creative atmosphere. Student Jonas Gerber says, "I haven't been to school in three years; then I started to come to Charm Beauty School. I loved it from Day 1. I enjoyed every task I have done and have many new friends that will be life long. After the first week I realized I picked the right career and school to help me start my future."
Programs at Charm include a full cosmetology program, which provides instruction in hair, skin, and nail care and more specific programs in hairstyling, makeup artistry, esthetics (skin care), and nail technology. There's also a crossover program that combines barbering and men's grooming with a cosmetology program.
About This School
Please contact this school to learn more about how to apply.
This school is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS).
Other Area Schools You Should Consider
Dorsey School of Beauty – Accredited
Taylor, MI 48180
Dorsey College - Madison Heights – Accredited
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Brighton Institute of Cosmetology – Accredited
Brighton, MI 48116