Cosmetology Scholarships
Achieving your dream of becoming a licensed cosmetologist can be challenged by the amount of money that it takes to complete training. Training costs and licensing fees can be steep. However, students usually do not have to pay for all of their training up front and there are a number of financial options readily available. Fortunately, financial aid is a realistic option at the majority of cosmetology schools in the form of cosmetology scholarships.
Scholarship funds are available for cosmetology school through a number of different organizations. Each organization awards different scholarships based on the candidate’s need for assistance, performance in high school or college, and upon other criteria such as writing short essay questions. For instance the AHBAI Fred Luster, Sr. Education Foundation sets eligibility standards that include the candidate’s having maintained an 85% grade point average while in high school and to have attended the same percentage of classes.
The Jeanette Rankin Foundation awards cosmetology scholarship funds only to women who are 35 years old or beyond. Since 1976, the organization has awarded in excess of $2 million to help women complete their educations. Women candidates who want to receive a Jeanette Rankin scholarship must be US American citizens, be currently enrolled in an accredited cosmetology school and be classified as having low-income status according to the criteria set forth by the Department of Labor’s Lower Living Standard.
While cosmetology scholarships are competitive, being a candidate can increase your chances of receiving one by applying for it as early as possible. It is a good idea to contact your prospective school before applying for entrance, to obtain a list of available cosmetology scholarship donors. It is important to carefully read all of the requirements for each donor, and to follow the instructions given, to the letter. Providing accurate, well-written information will help increase the likelihood of being awarded a scholarship, should the candidate comply with all the criteria.
Here at we have compiled a list of cosmetology scholarships. Check them out and see if you’re qualified!
- American Health and Beauty Aids Institute ($5,000)
- APWU ($1,000-$3,000)
- Oregon Barber and Hairdresser Grant Program (amount varies each year)
- Celeb Mentorship Competition (mentorship program)
- ACE Grant
- Alice Madden Barton Scholarship
- Beauty Schools Directory Scholarship ($2,500)
- Joe Francis Haircare Scholarship ($1,000)
- Professional Beauty Association Scholarship ($1,000)
- Minerva Beauty Scholarship ($1,000)
- Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Scholarship – Basic (50% tuition)
- O.P.I. Scholarship ($500)
- Sport Clips & American Crew/AACS ACE Scholarship ($1,000)
- NCEA Esthetician Scholarship ($1,000)