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Vermont Cosmetology Licensing



Education Requirements for Cosmetologists in Vermont

Ask any beauty professional with the best part of their job is, and you’ll get 100 different answers. Some people live for the look on a customer’s face when they love their hair cut, others enjoy the fast-paced work setting, and others appreciate the flexible work schedule. No matter what draws you to the field of beauty, you could be a great Vermont cosmetologist with the right training and dedication.

What does it take to become a cosmetologist? Just ask the Vermont Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists, the licensing agency for cosmetologists. First, they require you to get the right type and amount of training before you can be considered.

Your cosmetology program must thoroughly cover all of these subjects:

• Sanitation, sterilization, and the use of antiseptics
• Cosmetic usage
• Electrical appliances
• Hairstyling and hair shaping
• Haircutting
• Chemical hair processing techniques
• Hair coloring and bleaching
• Temporary hair removal
• Manicuring and pedicuring
• Statutes, laws, and rules

Not only do you learn about the theory behind these subjects, you get tons of hands-on experience. On your school’s salon floor, you try techniques on mannequins and move on to real clients once you’ve completed a specific amount of training. By completing procedures in a supervised environment, you can get feedback, learn how to work more efficiently, and get used to the workflow in a salon setting.

If you’re ready to start your next adventure, you can take the first step now by requesting information from Vermont beauty schools.

Vermont Cosmetology License Requirements

Training often takes about nine months, so it is definitely the biggest part of getting your Vermont cosmetology license. That doesn’t mean you’re done yet, though. In fact, you must submit a license application and pass your theory and practical exams before you get your license.

You can get ready for the state of Vermont cosmetology license requirements by checking out the list below:

• $250 exam fees
• Fees paid by Visa, MasterCard, and Discover
• $110 application fee
• 1500 hours of training required; no apprenticeship option in Vermont
• Tests administered by PCS; currently only available in English

Licensing may be a new idea to you, especially if you’ve never worked in a licensed field before. Just remember that this licensing process is demonstrated to strengthen the cosmetology industry. It prevents people from just calling themselves cosmetologists without receiving any actual training or improving their skills. As a result, customers are protected from rogue practitioners and you don’t have to worry about your professional reputation suffering.

Requirements for Renewing Your Cosmetology License in Vermont

After you’ve figured out how to get a cosmetology license in Vermont and you begin your career, it is pretty simple to keep your license up-to-date. Like the vast majority of states, Vermont runs on a two-year renewal cycle. To avoid late fees, make sure you renew your license every two years by November 30. With your application, you must pay a fee of $130. You do not have to earn any continuing education credits to renew your Vermont license.

A VT cosmetology license gives you the chance to start an exciting new career. Learn more today by contacting cosmetology programs in Vermont.