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Connecticut Cosmetology Licensing



Education Requirements for Cosmetologists in Connecticut

You love beauty and everything that has to do with it, including hair, nail, and skin care. Getting a Connecticut cosmetology license is the next step for you if you are ready to turn your hobby into a career!

With the training you get at an accredited cosmetology school, you can provide a huge range of services to clients in your community. Cosmetology is licensed at the state level, so you must follow the licensing process created by the Examining Board for Barbers, Hairdressers, and Cosmeticians.

Your training must cover the following topics, listed with the minimum training hours accepted:

• Sanitation and hygiene (35 hours)
• Anatomy and physiology (15 hours)
• Chemical procedures (230 hours)
• Hair care and treatment (220 hours)
• Skin care, makeup, and facials (150 hours)
• Hairstyling and shaving (825 hours)
• Business and professional relations (20 hours)
• State laws (5 hours)

Within each subject, there is obviously some leeway as to the specific styles and techniques that are taught. Since your instructors are licensed cosmetologists, you can feel confident about learning techniques and services that are in high demand in your area.

There are quite a few beauty schools and colleges that have cosmetology programs in Connecticut. Scroll down and request information from schools in your area.

Connecticut Cosmetology License Requirements

Studying the requirements for a cosmetology license in Connecticut can prepare you for the process ahead of you, helping you save time and get into the workforce as quickly as possible. After you have met your training hour requirements, the Examining Board for Barbers, Hairdressers, and Cosmeticians expects you to meet these additional requirements:

• $65 testing fee, paid to ProMetric
• Fees may be paid by Visa, MasterCard, cashier’s check, certified check, or money order
• $100 license application fee
• 1,500 training hours required; no apprenticeship option in Connecticut
• Testing available in Spanish in addition to English

Getting your initial cosmetology license is a lot of work upfront, but the advantages of this process pay off for years to come. By meeting a statewide standardized set of training and testing requirements, you can use your license to immediately let potential employers know what you are capable of and the work you have put into your education.

Furthermore, licensure has created more trust in the cosmetology industry among clients. This makes it a little bit easier for you to earn a client’s trust and wow them with your work.

Requirements for Renewing Your Cosmetology License in Connecticut

Once you have your CT cosmetology license, the bulk of your work is done. As long as you want to keep working as a cosmetologist in this state, you must stick to their renewal laws.

Cosmetology law in Connecticut states that you must renew your license every two years by the last day of your birth month. CT state cosmetology licensing requirements involve earning 10 continuing education credits during each renewal period. When you renew your license, you must also pay a $100 renewal fee. This fee may go up if you submit your paperwork after the final day of your birth month.

There is so much you can do with a cosmetology license—why not explore your options? Check out our list of cosmetology schools in Connecticut below to find programs that can help you become a licensed, experienced cosmetology professional.

Find Cosmetology Programs in Connecticut

East Hartford, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Barbering / Make-Up Artist Training
Wallingford, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Barbering / Make-Up Artist Training
Plainville, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Barbering / Nail Technology / Make-Up Artist Training
Wethersfield, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Barbering / Nail Technology / Make-Up Artist Training
Seymour, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care

Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Enfield, CT
Cosmetology / Massage Therapy
Waterbury, CT
Cosmetology / Barbering / Nail Technology
Branford, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Barbering / Nail Technology / Make-Up Artist Training
Bridgeport, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Barbering / Nail Technology / Make-Up Artist Training
New Haven, CT
Cosmetology / Barbering
Dolce The Academy – Accredited
Waterbury, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Make-Up Artist Training
Wallingford, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care
Bridgeport, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Nail Technology / Make-Up Artist Training
Colchester, CT
North Haven, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care / Nail Technology / Make-Up Artist Training
New Haven, CT
Cosmetology / Barbering / Continuing Education
Norwalk, CT
Guilford, CT
Cosmetology / Esthetics/Skin Care
Newtown, CT
Cosmetology / Barbering
School Accreditation

You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.