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Alaska Cosmetology Licensing



Education Requirements for Cosmetologists in Alaska

Becoming a cosmetologist may be one of the best ways to create an exciting, fulfilling beauty career that changes every day. When you work as cosmetologist, you never know what’s going to come your way! One day, you may help a fashion-forward young woman create an exciting new hair color and style for her personal taste. Another day, you may see loyal clients and provide maintenance or upkeep services. You have lots of control over your career, which is why so many people choose to go this route.

The first step to becoming a cosmetologist in Alaska is getting the right training. The Alaska Board of Barbers and Hairdressers requires you to complete at least 1,650 hours of training before you can begin applying for an AK cosmetology license.

The topics you must cover in your education are listed below, with the required amount of hours listed in parentheses.

• Wet hair styling (180 hours)
• Thermal hair straightening, styling, curling, blow drying (180 hours)
• Permanent waving (80 hours)
• Chemical straightening (10 hours)
• Haircutting (250 hours)
• Hair coloring and bleaching (75 hours)
• Scalp and hair treatments (10 hours)
• Beard trimming (5 hours)
• Eyebrow arching and hair removal (15 hours)
• Makeup (15 hours)
• Manicure and pedicure (15 hours)
• Optional courses include braiding and beard shaving

If you’re ready to jump into the field of cosmetology and see how it can change your life, contact Alaska beauty schools to get started.

Alaska Cosmetology License Requirements

Once you’ve met the education requirements of Alaska, you can start the process of applying for your license. This involves meeting all of the requirements for a cosmetology license in Alaska. You must wait until you have completed all of your training hours before applying for examination and licensure in Alaska.

Statewide standards are listed below:

• $60 practical testing fee and $60 written testing fee
• May pay via Visa, MasterCard, check, or money order
• $150 application fee
• May complete 2000 apprenticeship hours in place of 1,650 standard education hours
• All fees paid to the State of Alaska
• Must submit certified copies of training documents to receive license

While this may seem like a lot of paperwork and testing, remember what the licensing process does for the field of cosmetology. Having high licensing standards means that the state of Alaska only allows those who have been properly trained to work with clients.

This can actually help you get and keep clients in the long run, since they know that your cosmetology license reflects thousands of hours of hard work, study, and experience. AK Board of Cosmetology license requirements also prevent laypeople from using the title of cosmetologist to mislead and cheat consumers.

Requirements for Renewing Your Cosmetology License in Alaska

After you have earned your initial Alaska cosmetology license, you can use it to begin your career right away. However, you must keep your license active through renewal if you want to keep working as a cosmetologist.

Cosmetology licenses in Alaska expire on the last August in odd-numbered years. If your application is postmarked by the last day of August, the renewal fee is $140. If your renewal application is sent after that date, the rental fee is $180. Currently, Alaska does not require cosmetologists to complete any ongoing education to renew their licenses.

Becoming a cosmetologist can change your life and the lives of those you work with in your community. Get involved today by requesting information from cosmetology schools in Alaska.