Oklahoma Barber License and Training Requirements
Required Barbering Courses in Oklahoma Barbering Schools
Have you ever considered attending barber school and starting your career in the beauty industry? This is your chance to learn more about Oklahoma barbering programs. Before you can begin working independently with clients, you have to earn your license through the Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering. By the time you graduate, you need to have at least 1500 hours of training in this field. These hours are broken down into specific topics and skills, found below.
Oklahoma Barber Classes
- 155 hours: Safe work practices, infection control, bacteriology, implements, tools, and equipment
- 175 hours: Salesmanship, shop management, and history of barbering
- 200 hours: Anatomy, physiology, chemistry, electricity, and treatments of the skin, scalp, and hair
- 40 hours: Facial massage and treatment
- 580 hours: Haircutting and styling
- 95 hours: Chemical relaxing, soft curl perms, and permanent waving
- 150 hours: Hair coloring
- 65 hours: Men’s hairpieces, mustaches, beard design, and shaving
- 40 hours: Board rules, regulations, and statutes
With the right barbering courses and plenty of hands-on experience, you may be ready to earn your license and start working with clients as a barber. Take the first step now and reach out to barbering programs near you to learn more.
Oklahoma Barber Training and License Requirements
Now that you’ve finished all the necessary barber courses in OK, you may be ready to apply for your Oklahoma barber license and start working. There’s a bit more work left to do before you can get started. You have to pass a written exam and a practical exam to demonstrate your barbering skills and overall knowledge. Once you have paid your fees and your application has been approved, you may get your initial license.
Oklahoma Barbering License Specifics
- Testing costs: $35 exam registration fee
- Accepted payment methods: Fees payable by check or money order
- License/application fees: $25 licensing fee for barbers
- Apprenticeship options: Apprenticeship options are unavailable in Oklahoma
Licensing is extremely important in the field of barbering. It hold all professionals to equal standards, which ensures that clients can easily find highly trained professionals for their hair care needs. These requirements strengthen the reputation of the beauty industry, which may be a major advantage to you as you build your career in this field.
Requirements for Renewing Your Barber License in Oklahoma
You’ve finished barber college and earned your license to practice barbering on clients. Now, you have to keep your license up-to-date to continue working and building your base of clients. You must renew your license every year by the final day of your birth month to keep it valid. If you renew more than two months late, you must also pay a $10 late fee. Currently, there are no continuing education requirements for renewal in Oklahoma. Don’t underestimate the importance of continuing education! Even if it isn’t required, it may help you keep your skills fresh and relevant. Attending continuing education programs can help you learn new skills and techniques.
Now that you know what it takes to become a barber, take the next step. Check out our list of Oklahoma barbering programs and contact schools near you.
Find Barbering Programs in Oklahoma
You must attend a school that is approved by your state to provide training in the discipline you want to practice. Check with the school and the state board to be sure that your program of study will prepare you for any applicable state licensure.